Our Customers


We work with gas and electric utilities as part of their energy efficiency programs. These programs provide incentives for energy efficiency projects.

Federal Agencies

Greenhaven works with federal agencies to advance industrial energy efficiency at a national level.

Industrial Manufacturers

Greenhaven assists small to large industrial manufacturers. Our experience ranges from small-scale food preparation to large-scale pulp & paper.

Industrial Engineering Consultants

We work with specialized engineering consultants as part of their design process to identify the energy impacts of their equipment selections.

Energy Audits

Our energy audits help customers to identify cost-effective energy projects. The audit starts with a visit to your site to get to know your operations. We collect data from controls systems and data logging equipment and use this data to inform our energy calculations. The final deliverable for this effort is an energy audit report, which empowers your organization to make informed next steps.

Measurement & Verification

Once an energy project is installed, our measurement and verification (M&V) efforts ensure that it is achieving the energy savings that you’re expecting. This includes a commissioning effort to verify that equipment is installed and operating at peak efficiency. The final deliverable for this effort is an M&V report, which gives your organization confidence about the yearly cost savings of the energy project.

Customer Outreach

Customer outreach is foundational to the success of any energy efficiency program. Our outreach efforts invite everyone to participate, from rural to urban, from small site to large site. We make an effort to understand each customer’s operations, so that we can offer program resources that best fit their needs.

Grant Writing Assistance

We help our customers to identify and apply for grant funding opportunities for their energy projects. These opportunities can range from the state to federal level. Greenhaven helps you to manage the application process, to develop social and technical aspects of the project, and to secure letters of support.

Project Management

Greenhaven provides project management services to help industrial sites to execute their energy projects. Our project management services can help you to navigate project development, design and engineering, construction, start-up, and commissioning. We are capable of developing project budgets and schedules, reviewing designs, writing scope narratives, preparing bid packages, managing construction, and more.

Design Review

We help our partners to select efficient equipment by reviewing equipment alternatives and analyzing the energy impacts of each. Equipment selection is a critical part of any energy project, and we believe that it is important for any organization to understand the long-term energy cost impacts of the equipment they select. Additionally, selecting the most efficient equipment up front could save your organization a bundle versus making major retrofits in the future.

Quality Assurance

Our QA/QC services help utility programs to maintain a high standard of execution in their energy audits and measurement and verification efforts. We ensure accuracy in both energy savings and project cost, which translates to accurate incentives from our utility partners.

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